
Dhanidhar Fort


In 1819 Maharaja Ranjit Singh while concurring Kashmir captured Rajouri, he appointed Mirza ReheemUllah Khan as Raja of Rajouri in place of Raja Agar Khan. Raja Raheem Ullah Khan remained governing Rajouri principality upto 1846 under the control of Khalsa Darbar Lahore. On 15th March, 1846, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladhakh was sold by the Britishers to Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu and Kashmir. By this way, the Rajouri principality also came under the jurisdiction of Maharaja Gulab Singh. Since Maharaja was not having good relation with Raja Raheem Ullah Khan of Rajouri, therefore, he directed him to step down. But Raja Raheem Ullah Khan refused to do so. In these circumstances, Maharaja Gulab Singh alongwith his forces reached Rajouri and dismissed Raja Raheem Ullah Khan and his administration and on 26th of October, 1846, Raja Raheem Ullah Khan was compelled to leave principality alongwith his family and reletics. Then Maharaja Gulab Singh appointed Mian Hathu the Governor of Rajouri. Mian Hathugoverned Rajouri from 1846-1856 AD. In this very period, he started the construction of Dhannidhar Fort. He used the stones and material in the construction of Fort of those buildings which were belonging to Jaral Rajas and destroyed during the invasion of Maharaja Ranjit Singh on Kashmir. The Fort was completed in 1855 AD. The main intention for the construction of the Fort was to keep Dogra Forces in this safer place because from this place, the whole Valley of Rajouri could be viewed. Apart from this during the Dogra regime, the revenue was collected from the farmers in the shape of grains and this grain was dumped in this Fort which was sold later on. This Fort has been used by the defense in the past.

Photo Gallery

  • Dhanidhar Fort1
    Dhanidhar Fort

How to Reach :

By Air

Up to Jammu

By Train

Upto Jammu Tawi

By Road

It is 160 Km from Jammu.